Vintage Middle Eastern or Moroccon Tapestry / Rug

Vintage Middle Eastern or Moroccon Tapestry / Rug


This gorgeous tapestry features several unique elements ranging from its vibrant terracotta color to the intricate patterns along the edges. We previously believed this grand tapestry came from San Cristobal de Las Casas, a town located in Chiapas, Mexico. We've been corrected, thank goodness for the kindness of strangers. As of now, we believe it is most likely Moroccan, Tunisian or even Middle Eastern? We are going back to researching to get a more accurate account of where it might have originated!

Never the less, it is a beautiful piece, in almost perfect condition. As for adding ambiance to your environment, it's 100 percent cool!
Length: 86 in. (7 ft.)
Width: 39in. (3 ft.)

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